Obviously, we love that there are riders out there enjoying the great outdoors with their horse and in one of our Australian saddles. We know that there are so many ways to enjoy a days ride out. No matter the discipline, we certainly want riders to be comfortable while out there. Of course that goes for the horse as well.
Some of the most challenging riding is Endurance riding. For the serious rider, this can be a 50 or 100 mile ride! Truly it takes a lot of conditioning physically and mentally for both horse and rider in order to take that on over and over again.
Considering the extent of the challenge to prepare a horse and the rider for that type of gruelling fitness regime, the saddle is an obviously extremely important part of the equipment.
And that is where we feel Australian saddles come in. For the rider, the narrow twist, free leg movement off the stirrup bar and suspended webbed seat will keep them as comfortable as possible. For the endurance horse a proper saddle fit along with a quality felt saddle pad, helps to support their muscles and allow proper cooling to take place.

Knowing these challenges brings us to one of our local endurance riders Mackenzie Lee. We are happy to have the opportunity to sponsor her with a new Aussie Endurance saddle and Endurance Felt pad this last fall.

I first met Mackenzie when she was looking for a new saddle pad and to have her Australian saddle fitted better to her Arabian gelding Maverick. Since then, she has competed and won in numerous races here in BC winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in 2023.
They are both pretty tough athletes. I know because I rode with her once. At one point Maverick left us in the dust when my gal Willow thought she should show him how cantering off into the sunset should go. The race was on, but we were in no time eating dust. I have to say though, it sure was fun!
Besides endurance riding, she is no stranger to competition being an ACE certified personal trainer, bikini competitor champion and co owner of fitbodies.ca . Her goal is to continue on to the EC Western Canadian Championships in Alberta Canada next year, and then the ultimate goal which is The Tevis Cup.
We believe without a doubt she will achieve her goals along with Maverick wherever that may lead her. And we are happy to help keep her riding in comfort!